All posts by leeanneenglert

Is there something wrong with me?

I love my work and this is why. A year and a half ago a new client walked into my office.  He was beaten down by life and couldn’t find many valuable reasons to keep going.  He had a wife, five children and one on the way.  He loved his family, but had lost meaning in his own life. He was an entrepreneur in a creative field, but wasn’t getting anywhere. His depression was evident, the drag of his feet, the lowering of his head.

He was court ordered to therapy for anger issues. His rage was released when his x-wife tried to take their son out of his car without his permission. His anger wasn’t palpable in our sessions, instead he seemed locked down and disconnected from all emotion.

In those first months, he mostly told stories and laid out maps of what he knew. If I offered any direction a wall would go up, and he would either shut down, or dismiss what I would say.  It was apparent I needed to follow his lead. It took many sessions before we found our rhythm.

About 6 months after our first session, I left my place of employment and opened my own practice.  I was very surprised to hear that he wanted to follow me, considering he would have a distance to drive and I wasn’t quite clear as to how I was helping him.

During our first session in my new space, he revealed more than any session prior. It was evident the months of ground work we did were paying off.  He was more able to move into his pain and even emoted some when he spoke of his brother who had passed a few years back. I began to see the man I always knew was there.  As he began to open, his struggle with who he was in the world became very clear to me.  He was now able to articulate his thoughts more concisely and grappled with the greater plan. I watched in wonder as this guarded man began to take off his shell.

As he dove deeper into his psyche, he took suggestions more readily and the gridlock of emotion gave way to a deeper knowing of who he could be. I began challenging his long held belief that if one good thing happens, 10 bad things will follow. It was the core reason that stopped him from trying. I asked him to elicit action, take the risk.  And week by week, he did.

I believed all along this man held greatness.  There was this vast potential inside him that was aching to be released; he just had to believe it himself.  This is never an overnight process, but once you step upon the conveyor belt, it’s only a matter of time before you believe it yourself.

He came to me feeling that there was something fundamentally wrong with him.  For months, I shared my perspective that there was nothing wrong with him; he just had to be willing to be himself and show himself to others. And when he started to do that, when he pulled the turtle shell off, the reflections he received were outstanding.  It’s frightening to be really seen by others, but once you are a whole new world opens before your feet.

And so, this past week, he stepped into my office completely happy, completely vulnerable, and completely alive; he couldn’t wait to share with me all that had transpired.  He was ready and it all showed up for him. I never saw him, lighter, more jovial or more honest with his feelings.

He would often share songs with me to relay how he was feeling.  He pulled out a song that he had shared months before and said: “Now I know the full meaning of this song”. He read the words to me and we both teared up because we both knew he had found the horizon.

That’s why I love my work.  I am honored to witness the journey of others.  I am amazed over and over, and it gives life extra-ordinary meaning.

Healing Energy Saved My Father

Shamballa Multidimensional Healing is a system of high, vibrational, energy medicine that heals the body/mind and soul. It is similar to the Usui Reiki system, though not as well known.  My belief is that anyone can access and receive this healing energy provided they set the right intention. As a Holistic Practitioner, it is an integral part of my work.

My first experience with Shamballa happened in 2000 during the time my father had serious medical complications and became infected with MRSA.  We received a message from the doctor that there was no further medicine nor procedure that would help my father get well, and all that was left to do was pray. I never felt more helpless, so I prayed. While praying, I thought about the healing art called Reiki, and if prayer was all we had, then this Reiki healing would help.

The Reiki Master came to the hospital shortly after I reached out to her.  My Father needed to consent to the treatment, and in his confused state, he did. Any other time, he would have called it rubbish.

I was alone in the room with him, all other families members had left for the day.  The Reiki Master proceeded to lay her hands on his heart and his belly, called in her spirit guides, and stood there for a long hour. Just before the treatment was over, the Reiki Master asked me if I wanted to place my hands between her hands and my father’s body.

And – so I did.

layng of hands

There are no words to describe what went through me – bliss, Love, electricity, ecstasy, heaven, who knows, but a gateway opened, and I was pulled through.  The sensations coursing through my body caused me to weep.   My father was uncomfortable that I was crying; I reassured him that this energy would heal him. And it did.  After several more treatments, my father was out of the woods and back on the mend.  The MRSA could not overcome that energy, and I knew it based on what I had felt.

Shortly thereafter, I went to this same Reiki Master, Barbara Ruth, and she attuned me to the Shamballa Multidimensional Healing system.  This gave me the reigns to work with my father through his recovery process.

My inner-seeing opened about 3 years before I was attuned to Shamballa, but when I look back to this devastating time period in my life, it was truly the moment I stepped onto my path as a healer. I was aware of my gifts as an intuitive, but I had no idea how Shamballa was going to alter the trajectory of my life.

My father went on to live another 13 years and even though the disease had ripped through his nervous system paralyzing him from the waist down, he was able to walk and drive again. Once my father was well, he never again asked for Reiki.  I’m not even sure he was ever convinced that is what saved him.  I AM!

I am offering a special in March to high light the energy work that I do, along with a Tarot Reading.